Wednesday 16 May 2018

The headline: "One in nine young people in Scotland have attempted suicide"

I have to say that I drew a sharp intake of breath when I read the media headline titling this post - "One in nine young people in Scotland have attempted suicide" - based on the findings reported by Rory O'Connor and colleagues [1]. The idea that, from a sample of some 3500 young people in Scotland, some 10% and 15% of respondents to the questions: "Have you ever made an attempt to take your life, by taking an overdose of tablets or in some other way?’ and ‘Have you ever deliberately harmed yourself in any way but not with the intention of killing yourself? (i.e. self-harm)" answered in the affirmative, seemed pretty important. Not least with the question 'why?' in mind.

OK, media headlines aside, the O'Connor findings require some dissection. The reasoning behind studying this issue was not only to look at the very complicated topic of suicide in a part of the UK (Scotland) that authors write "has a higher suicide rate than England", but also to try and understand how non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) or non-suicidal self-harm (NSSH) presents in young adults and whether there is something important linking NSSH and suicidal thoughts and/or attempts.

The participant group was drawn from "a representative sample of young people aged 18–34 years from across Scotland" who were recruited to the Scottish Wellbeing Study. Lots of measures were completed by participants as part of the wider study initiative but we are told that "only the prevalence of NSSH and suicide attempts information is reported" in the O'Connor article on this occasion. I might also add that participants were compensated to the tune of £25 (pounds sterling) for their time and participation.

Alongside those headline findings on self-reported attempted suicide and self-harm, a few other important trends were observed. So: "More than 20% reported lifetime suicidal thoughts, 2.4% reported that they last thought about suicide in the past week and 10.4% reported they last thought about suicide in the past 12 months." Around 6% of respondents reported that they had both attempted suicide and also engaged in self-injury suggesting that professionals should "routinely enquire about history of self-injurious behaviour, especially as past behaviour is such a strong predictor of suicide." Also: "Earlier age at NSSH or suicide attempt onset was associated with more frequent lifetime NSSH and suicide attempts." And finally: "The prevalence of NSSH and suicide attempts was significantly higher among those classified as unemployed... and economically inactive... compared with those who were employed." Age, societal and environmental factors seem to play some roles too.

Then to another important set of questions: (a) why? and (b) what can be done to reduce these headline-grabbing statistics? Well, there are no easy answers to such questions I'm afraid. The authors do note that: "From a public health perspective, the unemployment and economic inactivity findings are noteworthy" and perhaps suggest that there are some modifiable variables that could influence suicidal thoughts and/or actions focused on getting people into employment and the benefits that this brings (wide-ranging benefits by all accounts). But this probably only covers one side of the issue, as discussions inevitably turn to what role psychiatric and/or behavioural comorbidity might play in such reporting (see here and see here and see here) and whether there may be a need for (a) something like enhanced screening for suicidal thoughts or other 'risks' among selected populations and/or (b) the [careful] use of 'preventative' strategies in such cases (see here and see here). I say all that accepting that diagnoses around mental health probably play an important role in suicide-related behaviours but are not necessarily a pre-requisite...

As always, there is always someone to talk to if needed...


[1] O'Connor RC. et al. Suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-harm: national prevalence study of young adults. BJPsych Open. 2018; 4: 142-148.


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