Wednesday 15 June 2016

The stability of an Asperger syndrome diagnosis continued

"The subsample that no longer fulfilled an autism spectrum disorder had full-time jobs or studies (10/11), independent living (100%), and reported having two or more friends (100%)."

So said the paper by Adam Helles and colleagues [1] continuing a research theme from this authorship group on what happens to autism, or rather Asperger syndrome, in the longer-term (see here). Indeed, if you have the time, the thesis from Helles covering this area of study is well worth a read (see here).

This time around the focus was on the often fuzzy concept called 'quality of life' (see here) in terms of "work, academic success, living situation, relationships, support system" for 50 males "with Asperger syndrome diagnosed in childhood and followed prospectively over two decades." Alongside those 'objective' measures of quality of life (QoL), Helles et al also sought some information about more 'subjective' reports of QoL with the use of the "Sense of Coherence and Short-Form Health Survey-36" schedules.

As per the opening sentence to this post, I've initially focused in on those participants where diagnosis was not stable (i.e. the sub-group who did not continue to fulfil criteria for Asperger syndrome) as providing yet more evidence [2] on how objective outcomes were seemingly improved compared to those who still reached diagnostic thresholds. Allied to other work by other independent research groups (see here), these findings continue to demonstrate just how heterogeneous the autism spectrum is and that dogma about autism being a 'lifelong condition' might not necessarily be applicable to everyone who at one time or another met diagnostic thresholds. I know such a line of thought is not always received well by all, but I am of the opinion that remitting autism is at least as likely and important as remitting schizophrenia or remitting depression for example. As to the mechanisms, well, I don't want to speculate too much at this time but 'autisms' (plural) is a word that springs to mind as a first thought when it comes to such experiences (see here).

When compared to this subgroup of those no longer meeting diagnostic criteria, those who remained within the diagnostic boundaries of Asperger syndrome did not appear to fare so well on those objective measures of QoL: "41% had full-time job or studies, 51% lived independently, and 33% reported two or more friends, and a significant minority had specialized employments, lived with support from the government, or had no friends." I say that bearing in mind the difference in participant numbers falling into one or other grouping.

In terms of those subjective measures of QoL, we are also told that: "Stability of autism spectrum disorder diagnosis was associated with objective but not subjective quality of life" and that "psychiatric comorbidity was associated with subjective but not objective quality of life." This is perhaps not unexpected as per the growing body of research suggesting that various psychiatric comorbidity might be over-represented when a diagnosis of autism is received (see here) and how some of it can be truly disabling (see here). It's not then beyond the realms of possibility that one could have (and hold down) a job for example (objective QoL), but feel that one's subjective QoL is still poor as a result of said comorbidity and its impact on areas of life like employment. Indeed, I'd perhaps forward a research case for how what we term 'comorbidity' might actual be more central to the presentation of various types of autism (see here) outside of being just another add-on diagnosis.

I don't want to come across as being too focused on outcomes around diagnostic instability when it comes to the autism spectrum because for the majority of people the diagnosis, whilst liable to fluctuation with regards to certain facets and skills, is very much a lifelong thing. That also definitions of long-term outcome and QoL say little about important concepts such as happiness and life satisfaction is another important point to make (see here). But the accumulating longitudinal work from Helles and others is providing something of an important window into autism in the long-term and how, wearing the cold, objective spectacles of science, the remittance of core symptoms might not be an unfavourable outcome for some...


[1] Helles A. et al. Asperger syndrome in males over two decades: Quality of life in relation to diagnostic stability and psychiatric comorbidity. Autism. 2016 May 26. pii: 1362361316650090.

[2] Gillberg IC. et al. Boys with Asperger Syndrome Grow Up: Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 20 Years After Initial Diagnosis. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016 Jan;46(1):74-82.

---------- Helles A, Gillberg IC, Gillberg C, & Billstedt E (2016). Asperger syndrome in males over two decades: Quality of life in relation to diagnostic stability and psychiatric comorbidity. Autism : the international journal of research and practice PMID: 27233289

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