Their examination of nearly 600 adults with autism (or autistic adults if you prefer) turned up quite a few important details. Not least that "sleep problems are an important predictor of later subjective QoL [quality of life]" and "may offer an important treatment target for improving QoL." I know such findings aren't exactly unexpected (see here and see here) but they do reiterate that sleep is something pretty important to mental and physical health and well being for everyone.
The additional finding on 'social satisfaction' also potentially playing a role in subjective quality of life reports in relation to autism is also not exactly novel (see here). It reiterates that participating in society, as described by other authors (see here), should be a fundamental right for all who want it.
I hasten to add that sleep and social satisfaction are not the only things that influence quality of life in the context of autism (see here) or anything else. On the basis that 'if you've met one person with autism, you've met one autistic person' if you want to know what might help a person, why not ask them.
[1] Deserno MK. et al. Sleep determines quality of life in autistic adults: A longitudinal study. Autism Res. 2019 Apr 10.
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