Monday 3 October 2016

The physical health of adults with autism

Another short post today opening with the conclusion reached in the paper by Andrew Cashin and colleagues [1]: "From the findings, it can be stated with confidence that people with ASD [autism spectrum disorder] have a high rate of comorbidity and increased risk for chronic disease."

Yes, not new news to many that physical health is generally 'under-rated' when it comes to adult autism (see here and see here for examples). The question remains however: what are we all going to do about it?

Following continued acceptance that a diagnosis of autism might go WELL beyond the presented core behavioural features, how about a few more discussions about the healthcare experiences of those on the spectrum [2] (see here too) as a start and taking things from there, save ending up where another label has (see here) with regards to physical health?


[1] Cashin A. et al. A scoping review of what is known of the physical health of adults with autism spectrum disorder. J Intellect Disabil. 2016 Sep 13. pii: 1744629516665242.

[2] Raymaker DM. et al. Barriers to healthcare: Instrument development and comparison between autistic adults and adults with and without other disabilities. Autism. 2016 Sep 22. pii: 1362361316661261.

---------- Cashin A, Buckley T, Trollor JN, & Lennox N (2016). A scoping review of what is known of the physical health of adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of intellectual disabilities : JOID PMID: 27623754

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