Thursday, 27 February 2025

RRBs accompanying autism are not benign

 A world away from the kum-by-yah and TikTok-ing of restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) accompanying a diagnosis of autism, a real-world perspective...

""Rhianan - who was autistic - became "fixated" on things due to her condition, and said: "Her being groomed was huge and I saw her change and it had a huge impact on her.""

And more detail: "... downloaded bomb manuals, guides on guerrilla warfare and media glorifying white supremacy and Nazism."

She was the youngest girl in the UK to be charged with terrorism offences. 

'Fixation' aka RRBs (repetitive and restricted patterns of behaviour) as part of a diagnosis of autism are not benign. And for this young woman, and many others like her who have similarly come to the attention of anti-terrorism services e.g. ‘Staggeringly high’ number of autistic people on UK Prevent scheme the onus should be on early identification and treatment/intervention of such issues. To not do so leaves the person vulnerable and more widely, it makes society vulnerable.

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