I hope readers might indulge me in this short post as I link to our new paper - March 2025 new - discussing movement from the singular autism label to something a little more real-world: the autisms. From autism to the plural ‘autisms’: evidence from differing aetiologies, developmental trajectories and symptom intensity combinations https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/abs/from-autism-to-the-plural-autisms-evidence-from-differing-aetiologies-developmental-trajectories-and-symptom-intensity-combinations/4D9B0B35DCF03FDBA4E001F7DC9B02D6
Those who know of my incessant droning on about the plural autisms as an attempt to try and accomodate the massive heterogeneity covered under the diagnostic label autism won't be surprised by this publication. The logic is simple: based on three primary 'vectors' covering differences in aetiologies, differences in developmental trajectories and differences in symptom intensities there may be some way to 'compartmentalise' the autisms, hopefully helping both research and practice. The next step is how to organise those autisms...
I'd like to thank my co-authors on this paper and our collaborative efforts to get this paper written and published. I'd also like to thank both the editor and editorial staff at the British Journal of Psychiatry too, who've done a sterling job in helping us to mould this paper into what it became. I'd also like to thank our peer-reviewers - all six of them - who with annonymity, provided some great feedback to us. No, there was no 'Reviewer 2', just lots of really great observations that led to some great discussions and a much better paper as a result.
We're not claiming to know all the answers when it comes to tackling the heterogeneity around the autisms. Just offering one among many potential solutions designed to spark further debate and science. Enjoy.